Adding Health Monitoring Entries

1.   If you haven't already, go to the Health Monitoring module.

2.   Click the type of the entry you want to add (in the HM Items column of the displayed grid). The LMR displays fields related to that health monitoring item.

Note: If the type of entry you want to add is not already on the Health Monitoring grid, click Add New to add it. For details, click here.

3.   Complete fields, as desired. For details, click here.

4.   Click Ok.

5.   To attach a note to this entry, click Attach Note. The LMR displays a list of all notes for the patient (however, you can choose to display Scanned notes only). Click the check box for the note and Attach.

6.   Repeat steps 2 through 5, as necessary.

7.   If you want to save your work now, click Sign (F10). The LMR indicates the changes that will be saved. Type your key and click Sign.

8.   Depending on your set up, you may be prompted to select a cosigner or sign for a provider. See Selecting a Cosigner and Signing and Saving for a Provider.