Adding a New Item to Health Monitoring

Use the following steps to add a new item to the Health Monitoring grid for the selected patient. Doing so, adds the item with an entry . This item is not added to the grid of any other patient.

1.   If you haven't already, select the patient and go to the Health Monitoring module.

2.  Click Add New at the top of the HM Items column. The LMR displays a new window.

3.  Select a health monitoring item using one of the following methods:

4.  Click Add Entry, and complete the displayed form and click Ok (ALT+O). The only required field is Select Date. Other fields common to all entries include Result and Comments. Depending on the type of entry, a list of responses may be displayed to indicate status.

5.   Click to select if you want to add to the Health Monitoring grid with an entry, with a due date, or with both an entry and due date.

6.  Click Ok.

7.   If you added an entry with the health monitoring item, and want to save your work now, click Sign (F10). The LMR indicates the changes that will be saved. Type your key and click Sign.

8.   Depending on your set up, you may be prompted to select a cosigner or sign for a provider. See Selecting a Cosigner and Signing and Saving for a Provider.