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FAQ: 4Next Online login & accounts



Login questions

What's my 4Next user name?

I forgot my 4Next password - what can I do?

I'm getting a message that I'm locked out - what should I do?

Why do I need a code to log in every time?

Can I change the phone number for the log in code?

Can we add an additional cell phone number for confirmation codes to be sent to?

What happens next after I request access?

Can you send me a new sign-up confirmation email?

How do I deal with a "No Authorizations" message?

How do I deal with "not assigned this app in Okta" message?

Where is the online training for 4Next?

New sites / Joining 4Next

How can we add sites for a group that’s already online?

How can our facility or group join 4Next?

User enrollment & adding locations

I already have access to 4Next, I need to add a new site or sites

I'm a new user for a site that's already online

I'm a new user for a site that is going to receive electronic referrals online

Contact Us

The question I have isn't here - how can I contact the 4Next team?


Contact Us


See also: